Book Review: China and the West: It’s about understanding each other | Lowy Institute

Book review by Aaron Mc Nicholas.

The rise of a strong and confident China has had more implications for Australia than perhaps any other advanced country apart from the United States, as evidenced by the ongoing public debate over the impact of China’s new bilateral security agreement with the Solomon Islands. More than any other US ally, Australia has been forced to grapple with the consequences of a souring relationship with China in fields such as trade, higher education, regional security and foreign influence in domestic politics. Former prime minister Kevin Rudd’s book can thus be described as nothing short of indispensable for Australian, as well as US, observers who seek to understand how to view this ascending presence in their neighbourhood, and how they themselves are viewed likewise.

Read the full article here: China and the West: It’s about understanding each other


Kevin Rudd on the Decade of Living Dangerously | The Wire


Kevin Rudd in conversation with the Hon Julie Bishop | Australian National University