Chinese President Xi Jinping's Taiwan goals mean 'dangerous times', says Kevin Rudd: Canberra Times

An ominous goal set by China's president mean Australians are living in dangerous times, former prime minister Kevin Rudd said, in a warning to future politicians against causing a "war by accident".

The former Labor leader rang alarm bells on the coming five years, saying they're critical in order to avoid an armed conflict not seen "since the Second World War" in a speech at an Australian National University even in Canberra on Monday night.

Dr Rudd cautioned Australia cannot afford to look at its relations with China in isolation from future US elections and policies, which has inevitably shaped the relationship in recent years.

"Whether we like it or not, we are now in the midst of this competitive race," he said. "We now live, therefore, in dangerous times."

More: Chinese President Xi Jinping's Taiwan goals mean 'dangerous times': Kevin Rudd | The Canberra Times | Canberra, ACT


Only five years left to prevent war with China, says Kevin Rudd: Sydney Morning Herald


China to take military action against Taiwan within two decades, says Rudd: The Guardian