US, China must deal with ‘chasm of mistrust’ | Asia Times

By Mark J Vallencia

Former Australian prime minister and China expert Kevin Rudd has published a penetrating and prescient analysis of the history and future of US-China relations as an excerpt of his forthcoming book.  

Rudd points out that a “chasm of distrust” between the two countries has been widening for some time.

The US no longer believes that China will rise peacefully or that its capitalism with Chinese characteristics will moderate its domestic political system or its growing international ambitions. Indeed, he says the US national-security establishment believes that China is intent on changing the international order in its favor to the disadvantage of the US – its major creator, defender and beneficiary. 

More: US, China must deal with 'chasm of mistrust' - Asia Times


"The consequences of a war between the US and China" | MIT Security Studies Program


The Avoidable War Review | The Financial Times